MedIbox is a synchronized connection to multiple parameters that helps doctors to assist the patient conveniently at their place. It is easy to monitor at any given place for e.g., ICU, Pathology Labs or a post treatment supervision. By Installing Med-I-box patient can monitor his/her blood pressure, blood glucose, ECG, Body temperature, weight etc. Med-I-box assists doctors from any corner of the world and the data will be stored in the server. Also, it allows the patient to understand his/her past medical history and gives a faster result without any delay.
The features of Med-I-box is quite easy and portable with a compact design device that can be accessed through WIFI and Bluetooth enabled. Med-I-box can be paired by 8 different devices at a single instance, and its internal storage capacity is expandable. All the vital parameters can be checked and synchronized with this device. Also, it is CE certified, an MPG (Medical Laws) Compliant. MedIbox is and ISO 13485 certified producer and ISO 11073 compliant.

The benefits of Med-I-box during COVID-19 is one of the finest ways of maintaining social distancing for the doctors and patients. It allows to keep a track of the patient’s medical status, also it can check body temperature, blood pressure, weight etc. During these crucial times doctors can track the patient’s details and can guide them with proper steps. Also, if a patient goes out the doctors can still keep a track of the COVID-19 infected patient and avoid in increasing the virus.